As of Tuesday the 1st January 2008 the Cypriot £ will no longer exist. In its place will be the Euro. For weekly updates and comments on the Euro please go to:
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Weekly Cypriot £ rates and comments - week commencing 24th December 2007
The Cypriot £, which converts to the € next week, sits at Cy.£0.805/£1 inter bank. Inflation continues to be of concern to the European Central Bank. So any cuts in € interest rates are very unlikely short to medium term. But clearly the credit crunch is having an affect on Euro land as the ECB lent €350 billion to financial institutions last week who were having difficulty borrowing elsewhere. And I still feel that Euro land cannot be immune to the slow down elsewhere. Talking to one of my clients who does a lot of business in Euro land he said there was a lot of pain being suffered by Euro land exporters given the strong € exchange rate. So this is the very last note on the Cypriot £. From next week the Euro is the currency of
Monday, 17 December 2007
Weekly Cypriot £ rates and comments - week commencing 17th December 2007
The Cypriot £, which is pegged to the € which is still the preferred currency when the choice is the
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Weekly Cypriot £ rates and comments - week commencing 10th December 2007
The Cypriot £ sits at Cy.£0.808/£1 and is pegged to the € which is still the flavour of the month. The European Central Bank kept Euro land interest rates on hold and even inferred that inflation was still their major concern. Clearly they are dancing to a different beat in Euro land relative to the
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Weekly Cypriot £ rates and comments - week commencing 3rd December 2007
The Cypriot £, which is pegged to the €, has also had a steady week and sits at Cy.£0.809/£1 inter bank. Obviously still reasonably close to four and half year highs against sterling and is unlikely to weaken in the short term against sterling. As noted previously though the strong € is hurting Euro land exports. Euro land housing markets are also suffering. One meeting last week with a Spanish property developer highlighted how weak the Spanish housing market is. I'm sure this weakness applies elsewhere in Euro land. Good time to bring Cypriot £'s to the